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World TechThe future is today

Fourth industrial revolution education

audeāmus - may we dare, may we venture, may we risk

Bridging the gap between talent & opportunity.

Research & Development

Here are some areas of interest and focus that we keep in mind and at heart when developing new products. We are playing the long-term game.

Areas of focus and interest

Access to Education

Less than 50% of the world’s population has access to the internet. By design, we were missing out on a lot of human potential. We develop iOT devices that work without internet dependence for STEAM + Climate Change education.

Affect in Cognitive Development

Researchers like Alice Isen have shown that being happy facilitates creative thinking. Everything we do has both a cognitive and an affective component — cognitive to assign meaning, affective to assign value. Learn how we are integrating this to our products.

Personalization of Learning

While most eLearning companies have focused on providing education solutions by switching to a new channel — “online” — little has been done to truly personalize the learning experience. Learn how we are changing that with the digital DNA™.

Emergence in Job Creation

The nature of change in technology creation is exponential. By definition, it is unpredictable and “emergent”. The education and recruiting industries must be entangled. We apply complex systems to product design and development.

Climate Change

Educating for Climate Change awareness has become increasingly important as youth-led iniciatives have played a major role in our societies. We developed a STEAM + Climate Change curriculum for Climate Tech to rise.

Digital Nomadism For The Youth

Youth unemployment worldwide has reached over 74 million. We see the Fourth Industrial Revolution as the best opportunity for job creation, leveraging the rise of the decentralization of work, remote work, micro-learning and digital nomads.

New Biomaterials in Education

Most STEAM K12 and toys companies are using plastic in their products. Current estimates show that at last 8 million pieces of plastic are entering the oceans every single day. We started doing research on new biomaterials since 2018.

Early Childhood Skills Development

The digital gap has enabled the rise of rapid skills training programs. Starting in 2021, PISA will start measuring Computational Thinking in their global tests. Learn how we are starting early with technology education.

A horoscope for the skills market?

Maybe…it’s data science.

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